Health Centers are the Perfect Weapon in the Fight Against Zika

Health Centers are the Perfect Weapon in the Fight Against Zika

I don’t care who you are – You should be scared of Zika. And, by scared, I don’t mean that you should panic. That doesn’t help anyone. But this virus needs to be taken seriously - And I'm not alone here, even public health experts are sounding the alarm. There is still so much that is unknown about it’s transmission and the possible long-term effects for those infected. 

Important News: BPHC has released draft Health Center Program Compliance Manual (the Compliance Manual) for public comment.

Important News: BPHC has released draft Health Center Program Compliance Manual (the Compliance Manual) for public comment.

HRSA just released their draft Health Center Program Compliance Guide.  This guide, which has been a long time in coming, is organized to closely follow the HRSA 19 program requirements. As a draft, this guide is open for comments through November 22, 2016. 

Becoming an FQHC – Is it Right for Your Organization?

Becoming an FQHC – Is it Right for Your Organization?

Here at, we get many inquiries about starting or becoming a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). We hear from a wide range of individuals and organizations, but most inquiries come from existing health care organizations who see the benefits in transitioning to an FQHC model of care, both to the community-at-large and to the organization itself.

340B: Program Critical to FQHCs Under Fire

340B: Program Critical to FQHCs Under Fire

The 340B Program has become an important source of revenue for many Federally Qualified Health Centers. Many fear that without 340B, their programs will not survive. With a draft Mega Guidance under consideration by HRSA and new CMS rules governing Medicaid reimbursement, 340B is going to change. The extent to which this will affect FQHCs is currently a matter of speculation. Meanwhile, in order to understand where this crucial program is likely headed, it is important to know where we are now, and how we got here. 

Besides not dying young, one of the advantages of being around for a long time is that you gain perspective. 

FQHCs Can Now Bill for Chronic Care Management (CCM) Services

FQHCs Can Now Bill for Chronic Care Management (CCM) Services

The chronically ill account for a huge percentage of the population. In fact, as of 2012, approximately one half of all adults had one or more chronic health conditions, and one in four adults had two or more chronic health conditions. Additionally, heart disease and cancer—both chronic diseases—together accounted for almost half of all deaths in 2010. Given these facts, is it any surprise that, in 2010, eighty-six percent of all health care spending was for people with one or more chronic medical conditions? (CDC website)

As of January 1st, 2016, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) are able to bill for Chronic Care Management (CCM) services provided to Medicare patients using CPT code 99490. CCM refers to the non-face-to-face coordination of care for chronically ill patients.

340B Drug Pricing Program Omnibus Guidance Comments

340B Drug Pricing Program Omnibus Guidance Comments

October 27, 2015 was the last day to submit comments related to the 340B Drug Pricing Program Omnibus Guidance. The proposed changes to the program have the potential to adversely affect health centers and the populations they serve (For a detailed analysis, read our article How the 340B "Mega Guidance" will affect your FQHC or Look-Alike.). Following are our comments:

How the 340B "Mega Guidance" will affect your FQHC or Look-Alike

How the 340B "Mega Guidance" will affect your FQHC or Look-Alike

The Draft 340B Drug Pricing Program “Mega Guidance” is an attempt by HRSA to provide clarification relating to 340B implementation. Our analysis addresses the issues which have the greatest potential to affect FQHC programs. This “Mega Guidance” strongly confirms a number of positive issues relating to the program; however the focus is largely on compliance and abuse prevention. While we support and applaud this effort, in some cases there will likely be potentially detrimental effects to our programs and the patients we serve.