Mental Health

Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Mental Health

Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When we collectively talk about health, the conversation has shifted to “whole person” health, but in practice we still tend to focus on physical health. This disconnect is supported by most conventional health insurance plans that consider dental a separate benefit, vision a separate benefit and often carve out or don’t even cover behavioral health support. This misalignment presents a challenge to healthcare providers who desire to provide whole person health but still must operate within the constraints of the system.

Increased mental health funding for FQHCs makes forming partnerships with Community Mental Health Centers more important than ever

Increased mental health funding for FQHCs makes forming partnerships with Community Mental Health Centers more important than ever

HHS has recently awarded $54.6 million dollars in Affordable Care Act mental health services funding to 221 health centers nationwide. The ability to increase service capacity is welcome news since it is widely acknowledged that primary care has become the nation’s de facto mental health provider.