
340B: Program Critical to FQHCs Under Fire

340B: Program Critical to FQHCs Under Fire

The 340B Program has become an important source of revenue for many Federally Qualified Health Centers. Many fear that without 340B, their programs will not survive. With a draft Mega Guidance under consideration by HRSA and new CMS rules governing Medicaid reimbursement, 340B is going to change. The extent to which this will affect FQHCs is currently a matter of speculation. Meanwhile, in order to understand where this crucial program is likely headed, it is important to know where we are now, and how we got here. 

Besides not dying young, one of the advantages of being around for a long time is that you gain perspective. 

340B Audits and Compliance 101

340B Audits and Compliance 101

Covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program must ensure program integrity and maintain accurate records documenting compliance with all program requirements. They are subject to audit by the manufacturer or the federal government. Failure to comply may make the 340B covered entity liable to manufacturers for refunds of discounts or cause the covered entity to be removed from the 340B program.